Sunday, April 14, 2013

Trees and taking the long view

A debate in environmental ethics revolves around the idea that if the value of nature is dependent on humans valuing it, the whales, the wolves, and the woods will be traded in for the next bright and shiny thing that catches the human eye. On the other side, there are those of us who are compelled, for philosophical reasons, to be anthropocentrists, while hoping that humans have the sense to take the long view.

Here's an article about some people who do:

It describes people who choose trees to fell for resonance wood--dense wood from which to make the best violins and guitars.
Pellegrini "gardens" the forest, as he puts it. But he gardens for people who will not be born for hundreds of years. So that there will be fine resonance spruce in the 24th Century.
These people are serious about both the wood and their woods:
Around here you would not be surprised to learn that people wear paper shirts and grate wood shavings on their spaghetti.

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