Call for Papers
Philosophical Inquiry into Pregnancy, Childbirth and Mothering
Philosophical Inquiry into Pregnancy, Childbirth and Mothering
May 14-16, 2009
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
The conference will be primarily philosophical in focus, but we also invite interdisciplinary scholarship from fields outside of philosophy including, but not limited to, sociology, psychology, women’s and gender studies, and health care related fields.
Keynote Speakers:
Eva Kittay, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Lisa Guenther, Vanderbilt University
Invited Speaker:
Andrea O’Reilly, the Association for Research on Mothering, York University
Submit abstracts for papers or panels. Approximately 750 words.
Due January 31 at 5pm.
Email submissions or questions to :
Include a cover sheet with name, institution, department, & contact information.
Document should be submitted in MS Word (.doc file).
For additional information please link to: http://philosophy.uoregon.edu/events.html
Anyone who would like to receive a poster or postcard version of the CFP can email slachanc@uoregon.edu
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